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Writer's pictureAround the World in Vegan Eats


Welcome back to the gorgeous city of Tallinn (which, you might like to know, quickly entered my list of favourite places in the world)! I really couldn't get enough of those dreamy parks, fairytale towers, and winding cobbled streets - genuinely, this might be one of the most beautiful and romantic cities I've visited so far!

Last week we told you all about out experiences trying a fully plant-based version of the local favourite, Eesti Kartulisalat (Estonian Potato Salad). Today I am, if possible, even more excited to share another Estonian classic. This time, we'll be trying Munavõi, or Egg Butter on Rye - and you guessed it, we found a vegan version!

But wait, what exactly is Munavõi?

Munavõi translates to egg butter, and it is a beloved dish both here in Estonia, and just across the sea in Finland. It is so highly regarded, in fact, that it is a staple part of the traditional Easter meal here!

Though the main element of the dish is the same in both nations - chopped boiled eggs mixed into butter - it is served very differently. Finnish egg butter is served atop a traditional pastry, while in Estonia it is spread over a slice of dark rye bread.

It's hard to explain how excited Mike and I were to try a plant-based version of this dish. When I was a child, before I became vegan, my favourite sandwich filling was egg mayonnaise - so I was really hoping that this would live up to my memories of that!

Where did we try vegan egg butter in Tallinn?

One of the vegan eateries that was on our must visit list in Tallin was Kringel. With a menu packed with healthy local and international breakfast and lunch dishes - all of which were completely plant-based - we were excited to visit Kringel before we even spied one particular dish on their menu. And that dish was, of course, vegan egg butter!

Kringel is a friendly and welcoming place full of comfortable seating, plants, and even a little play area for children - so it's no wonder that it's really popular with both locals and tourists alike! There's even some outdoor seating, in case you visit on a warm and sunny day like we did! Before you choose your meal, I'd advise feasting your eyes on their deli counter, which is full of mouthwatering looking cakes and savoury dishes - they also serve a dish of the day too!

So come on - tell us all about the munavõi! How did it taste?

We were so excited to find out how Kringel would veganise this dish which was so obviously not vegan - it has both 'egg' and 'butter' in the title! Not only did they have to replicate the flavours of eggs, but the texture too, and all without the aid of any dairy products. Moreover, how could they replicate this dish in a way to please their local customers?

Well it was clear, from the moment we saw the munavõi in the counter, just how realistic this egg butter replica was. It looked just like the real thing, so much so that our mouths were practically watering when it came to tasting it. And wow: it really was so impressive! Kringel use tofu to replicate the texture of egg, adding turmeric, black salt, mustard, and dill to imitate that eggy flavour. And it was absolutely incredible - if I hadn't know that the dish was fully vegan I really would have questioned it! Their 'butter', which is made of plant-based margarine, mayonnaise, and oat milk, is really rich and creamy, giving a really smooth texture and buttery flavour alongside the egginess.

Kringel's incredible egg butter was served on a chunky slab of dark rye bread. Now, neither us are big fans of rye, and this one was pretty dense and heavy, but the egg butter added so much softly contrasting flavour to the dark rye, making for a pleasant - albeit extremely filling - combination! We loved that it was topped with a long slice of pickled gherkin too, with a finishing touch of herbs on the top. Beautiful!

How much did the plant-based egg butter cost - and was it worth it?

Each slice of egg butter on rye cost €5.40: this is approximately £4.68 or $5.72. While this sounds like quite a lot for what looks like a relatively small lunch, we actually thought the price was pretty good. This is for two reasons: first, the one slice of munavõi is extremely filling. Neither of us would have had room for a second, and I actually couldn't finish mine! The second is the artistry that has gone into creating such an impressive replica of a dish that is pretty difficult to veganize. Not only does it taste amazing, it looks great too!

We would totally go back for more of the food at Kringel too: the vibe of this vegan cafe was so relaxing, even though we were working I felt really chill enjoying my time there. So whether you're looking for a breakfast bowl, a healthy lunch, cake, or even an authentic yet plant-based taste of munavõi, Kringel is a top place to check out while you're in Tallinn.

Have you tried vegan munavõi in Estonia? Or elsewhere in the world! Where did you go and what did you think of it? Let us know in the comments below.

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The centre of Vienna with tall, historic buildings all around
Addicted to these views over Tallinn!

Where should I stay?

Tallinn is a gorgeous city with places to stay to suit all tastes, budgets, and requirements. If you're looking for a popular and well reviewed, but really affordable place to stay, look no further than Viru Backpackers who offer clean and spacious rooms, self-catering facilities, in a great location. Another great place is Draper Startup House, where we stayed while we were in Tallinn. With amenities catering to entrepreneurs and digital nomads, Draper Startup offer private and dorm rooms, as well as plenty of common areas to work and chill.

Tours & Experiences

Though Tallinn is a really walkable city, easy to explore and perfect for a self-guided tour, there are plenty of options if you'd like an organised tour or activity. Some of the most popular Viator tours can be found in the box on the left! If you have a little extra time once you've explored this stunning city, Tallinn is a great hub for exploring a little more of Estonia: this trip to Lahemaa National Park is really popular, conducted within a small group for a quieter, more personal experience.

Please note that the tours displayed on the left are automatically selected for their popularity by Viator, not chosen or recommended by us. Please check whether any food or drink based tours are suitable for your dietary requirements, and any animal-based experiences are ethical, before booking!

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